A design systems publication by Figma

東京 Tokyo


2回目となるFigmaのデザインシステムカンファレンス「Schema by Figma」がニューヨーク、ロンドン、東京の各地で特別な仮想イベントとともに開催されました。プログラミングやネットワーキングのライブイベントが各都市で終日行われ、さまざまな分野の講演者が集結し、それぞれのデザインシステムでの実践から得たインサイトやインスピレーションを共有しました。


For our second-ever design systems conference, Schema by Figma went global, making stops in New York, London, and Tokyo, along with a special virtual event. Each city featured a full day of live programming and networking, bringing together a diverse range of speakers, who shared insights and inspiration from their respective design systems practices.

Our second stop was Tokyo. Read on to see talks from the event and be sure to also check out New York and London.

オープニング・キーノート / Opening Keynote with ショウ クワモト / Mr. Sho Kuwamoto


When design systems grow in complexity, there comes a need for new best practices and the adoption of more rigorous control of the system. As designers, what can we learn from the best practices of other disciplines and how do we adopt them to ensure our design system grows in the right way?

インハウスデザイン組織が考える社会課題解決におけるオープン化 / Openness and the use of Figma in solving social issues with 横田奈々/Ms. Nana Yokota and フォンティン 徳康 / Noriyasu Vontin of 富士通株式会社/Fujitsu Ltd


Design systems play an important role in solving organizational issues and defining culture. Fujitsu demonstrates how they use design systems to create a culture of openness and solve complex issues.

ヤフーにおけるFigmaを活用したデザインシステムの運用フロー / Workflows for building design systems in Figma at Yahoo with 廣橋 孝紀 / Mr. Takanori Hirohashi of ヤフー株式会社 / Yahoo Japan Corporation


How do you build an effective design system spanning a large number of diverse products? Yahoo Japan showcases how they built their universal design system spanning over 50 products and what they’ve learned along the way.

“デザイン”のためじゃない デザインシステム / Design Systems not for “design” with 植田 将基 / Mr. Masanori Ueda of 株式会社SmartHR / SmartHR, Inc.


Design systems aren’t just for increasing quality and productivity—they are a medium for connecting teams. Learn how SmartHR uses design systems as the “glue” to connect their product team together. Learn how to use design systems as a way to guide, rather than enforce, design decisions and how design systems evolve with scale.

18以上の製品を持つブランドハウスにデザイントークンを展開する方法 / Rolling out design tokens to a branded house with 18+ products with デボラ・リンドバーグ / Deborah Lindberg and ルイス・ヒーリー / Lewis Healey of Atlassian

18 以上の製品に対し統一感をつくるために、どのようにデザイントークンを作成し、展開するのでしょうか。私たちがどのようにアトラシアンのカラーデザイントークンを作成し、どのような問題に直面したかについてお話します。また、500 名以上のデザイナーが参加し、デザイントークンのワークフローを強化するために開発した Figma プラグインについても紹介します。

How do you create and roll out design tokens to 18+ products that should look and feel the same? We’ll talk about how we created Atlassian’s color design tokens and the challenges we faced. We’ll also take you through the Figma plugin we developed to onboard and enable 500+ designers to supercharge their design token workflow.

開発者のためだけに作らないデザインシステム / Don't make design systems just for developers with 沢登達也 / Mr. Tatsuya Sawanobori of note 株式会社 / note inc


Let’s shift our mindset from what we think design systems should be and explore the potential of what they can be. As we learn how to define target users and uses-cases beyond the product team scope, we’ll dive into how to create cross-functional design systems, collaboratively.

チームラボのデザインシステムと思考の体系化 / Design system and systematization of thinking by teamLab with 伊藤祐春 / Mr. Sukeharu Ito of チームラボ株式会社 / teamLab Inc.


How do you utilize the efficiency of design systems while leaving room for innovation? teamLab introduces us to their “thought process” design system and demonstrates how they combine it with conventional design systems for efficient innovation as they continuously reinvent the wheel.

Want more design systems content? Check out this year’s talks from New York and London, and or head to our YouTube channel for 2021 talks. Thanks for joining us!

Schema by Figma

Schema by Figma

Talks and topics from our annual design systems conference

New York

Find out how the Credit Karma team designed a community-driven design system, and more talks from Schema by Figma New York 2022.



Juggling new and legacy systems, stakeholders, multidimensional design systems, and more talks from Schema by Figma London 2022.


東京 Tokyo

Hear how teamLab balances efficiency and invention with their design system, and more talks from Schema by Figma Tokyo 2022.

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